Make your own THICK AND STRETCHY basic slime. It’s easy to make! You will receive:
- 1 x Sachet of our signature glue & body cream mixture and slime making instructions. This will make approximately 200ml basic slime. Please note that we highly recommend purchasing our ready-made activator to make this slime. The specific activator ratio is critical to the end result.
You can choose to add the following to your purchase:
- 1 x Sachet borax based activator solution. By adding activator to the glue mixture, you make your own slime.
- 1 x 250ml jar
Paint and decorations are not included with this purchase.
Please note that the glue and cream might separate within the sachet during transit. Mix it in a bowl before adding the activator.
Please note that the sprinkles shown in the above picture are NOT included when purchasing this product.
See our updated slime tutorial here: https://youtu.be/BTkYsrJ7FIQ?feature=shared
IMPORTANT: All our slimes are made with a borax based activator. Slime is not edible. Recommended for ages 8 and up.